New strategy and blueprint to bridge five year budget gap

Councillors have approved a new Transformation Blueprint and supporting Medium Term Financial Strategy to help bridge a projected five-year funding gap of more than £29 million.

Five key themes

The 2023-2028 strategy and blueprint outlines the actions the council will take under five key themes:

  • ‘Follow the money’
  • 21st century workforce
  • Workplaces of the future
  • Income generation and commercialisation
  • Multi-agency transformation

Challenges ahead

Council Leader Councillor Kelly Parry said: “We’ve got the fastest growing population in Scotland, projected to go up 13.8% compared to the Scottish average of 1.8% by 2028. 

Budget gap

“We’re also facing a budget gap of £29.121 million by the same year.

Challenges ahead

“There’s huge challenges ahead. However, we’re confident this blueprint will steer us towards greater financial sustainability and make sure we have the technology, assets, skilled staff and multi-agency working to create more efficient and effective services for local people. There will be difficult choices to make as the council defines what services it will provide, where these services will be delivered and how. The blueprint maps the journey we will take between now and 2028."

Transformation sprint

At the full Council on Tuesday, councillors heard some key tasks included under each of the themes called ‘transformation sprints’.

Following the money

The council will ‘follow the money’ by reviewing contracts, commissioned services and digital solutions to make sure they are the best value possible and will invest in preventative measures to support those most in need, including care-experienced children and young people.

Digital solutions

The 21st Century theme will focus on upskilling staff and implementing digital technologies fit for a future workforce.

Progress towards being carbon neutral

Better use will be made of council buildings and workplaces will be designed for the future. This will help the council make progress towards its ambition to be carbon neutral by 2030. It will also be easier for local people to access services within their communities in ‘one stop hubs’ and/or online. 

Working together

Meanwhile, continuing to take a more collaborative approach with partner agencies including the Police and NHS in a new formed Multi-Agency Transformation Management Group will make sure services are ‘joined up’ with a focus on early intervention and prevention.


27 Jun 2023