Rent arrears

Help when you’re behind with your rent

If you are a council tenant and need advice about your rent payments, you can call us in confidence or visit our office (details below). If you prefer we can arrange to meet in your home.

We will discuss your circumstances with you, and agree on how much you should pay regularly to clear your debt.

Rent arrears procedure and evictions

Note: You should contact the Rent Arrears team as soon as possible through the procedure.

  • Stage 1 – Reminder letters are sent giving you an opportunity to arrange to pay the arrears.
  • Stage 2 – A Notice of Proceedings for recovery will be sent.
  • Stage 3 – Court hearing. You will be summoned to Court and any legal expenses added to the debt.
  • Stage 4 – Eviction from home. You will become intentionally homeless.

Housing Benefit

If you are on a low income you may be entitled to a rebate on your rent. To check if you qualify complete a Housing Benefit application form (PDF). Staff can provide help to fill out the form if needed.