Ready to rent homes

Occasionally properties may be advertised as ‘Ready to Rent’ in the following circumstances:

  • There are no suitable applicants on the waiting list for the type of property in the specific area.
  • The property has been refused on three or more occasions.
  • The property has been available to let for 6 weeks or longer.

Before you apply

We are only able to accept notes of interest from people on the waiting list for housing. If you do not have a current housing application, you should complete a housing application and return it to Housing Services using the address at the end of this page.

Once we process your application you will receive a letter confirming this. This letter includes your application reference number.

If you are already on the waiting list and your circumstances have changed, or you wish to update your application, you must complete a change of circumstances form.

Where are properties advertised?

Properties will be advertised on the webpages below as they become available. You can also ask to receive a text alert to notify you when properties become available. Email  to register for this service.

Homes ready to rent by Midlothian Council

Homes ready to rent by Melville Housing

How to apply

If you are interested in a property advertised you should email the Housing Services Team at You will need to tell them the address of the property you are interested in, and your housing application reference number.

You can ask to be considered for as many properties as you wish.

We may not be able to accept notes of interest if the property does not meet the needs of your household, including if:

  • The property is too big or too small for your needs
  • You do not meet the age requirements for sheltered, or other specialist housing
  • The property does not meet any medical recommendations on your application

What happens next?

We will only contact you if we are able to make you an offer of housing, or if we need more information.

If more than one applicant registers a note of interest, the property will be allocated to the person with the highest number of points.