Directory of items and materials that can be recycled using Midlothian Council services. We suggest alternative ways to dispose of it if we cannot handle it ourselves.
- Adhesives and Glues
- Aerosol cans
- Aluminium cans
- Aluminium foil
- Appliances
- Asbestos
- Ashes
- Bathroom suites
- Batteries
- Beds
- Bicycles
- Books
- Bottle tops
- Bubble wrap
- Cameras
- Cans
- Cardboard
- Cards
- Carpets
- Carrier bags
- Cartons
- CDs
- Ceramics
- Cereal boxes
- Chemicals
- Children's toys
- Christmas decorations
- Cling film
- Clothes
- Coat hangers
- Coffee grounds
- Coffee machine pods
- Coins
- Compostable packaging
- Computers
- Cookers
- Cooking oil
- Crockery
- Curtains
- Detergent packaging
- Directories
- DIY materials
- Drink cans
- Drink pack joining rings
- Dust
- Duvets and pillows
- Egg Boxes
- Eggshells
- Electronic equipment, electrical appliances
- Engine Oil
- Envelopes
- Feathers
- Flower pots
- Fluorescent tubes
- Foil
- Food tins
- Food waste
- Fridges & Freezers
- Furniture
- Garden hand tools
- Garden waste
- Gas cylinders
- Glass
- Glasses / spectacles
- Hair
- Hoovers
- Ice-cream tubs
- Jar lids
- Jars
- Kitchen foil
- Kitchen towel
- Laminate
- Light bulbs
- Magazines
- Margarine tubs
- Medicines
- Metal
- Mirrors
- Mobile phones
- Nappies
- Net packaging
- Newspapers
- Oil - cooking
- Oil - engine
- Paint
- Pet food pouches
- Photographs
- Pizza boxes
- Plastic bags
- Plastic bottles
- Plastic magazine wrappers
- Plastic packaging
- Plastic pots and tubs
- Plastic trays
- Polystyrene
- Polythene
- Pringles tubes
- Radiators
- Rubble / hardcore / plasterboard
- Sand