Business rate charges

Non-domestic rates are also known as Business Rates. They are paid on non-domestic properties by all businesses and companies.

We calculate the amount you pay by multiplying the non-domestic rate per pound with the rateable value of the property your business occupies.

Poundage for 2023 - 2024

2023 - 2024 is a revaluation year and the majority of rateable values will change as a result of the revaluation. Your 2023 - 2024 rates bill will be calculated using the 1 April 2023 rateable value multiplied by the appropriate poundage.

Poundage for 2023 - 2024
Rateable Value Poundage
up to £51,000 49.8 pence (basic property rate)
£51,001 to £100,000 51.1 pence (including intermediate property rate of 1.3 pence)
£100,001 and above 52.4 pence (including a higher property rate of 2.6 pence)

The National Business Rate is set by the Scottish Government.

Find business rates guidance on website

You can also check the rateable value of a property on the Scottish Assessors Association website.

It's free to apply for rates relief, including the Small Business Bonus Scheme. You should be wary of anyone who proposes to apply on your behalf for a fee.

Midlothian Council non-domestic rates are managed by the City of Edinburgh Council. Please visit their webpage to apply for this rates relief for your small business.