Midlothian Snowsports Centre
Latest information
Centre Open
- Alpine Coaster
Slots for our Alpine Coaster are now available 8 weeks in advance and is running 6 days per week (excluding Wednesdays)
All bookings require to be done using the Midlothian Sport and Leisure App or website.
Bookings have a no transfer/ no refund policy under our terms and conditions
No electronic devices are permitted on the coaster.
As of Monday 28 October, the access road will be locked outwith operational hours for security and safety reasons. Relevant signage is on display throughout our premises to remind all drivers to ensure they leave within the allocated times.
The barrier will be locked 15 minutes after the building closes.
Please check our facebook page. for the most up to date information
The website is not updated at weekends and public holidays.
Call us: 0131 445 4433
Email: ski@midlothian.gov.uk