Electric vehicle (EV) charging

Chargers hosted by Midlothian Council

The council owns public EV chargers operated via ChargePlace Scotland.

Find where in Midlothian and costs by using our table and map links.

A new tariff now applies to all Midlothian Council chargers from 1 April 2024.

EV chargers hosted by Midlothian Council
Charger location Charge point ID Type of charger Number of sockets
Midlothian Community Hospital carpark EH22 3ND 51488 Fast 2
Campview Carpark, off Campview rd. EH19 3HA 62730 Fast 2
Poltonhall Recreation Ground, Polton Ave Rd. EH19 2NU 62740 Fast 2
Lasswade High School Centre carpark EH19 2NE 53346, 53072 Fast 4
Hopefield Primary School carpark EH19 3HL 53069, 53070 Fast 4
Cockpen Terrace, EH19 3PH 62205 Fast 2
Burnbrae Road Flats Car Park (coming soon)   Fast 4
Burnbrae Road Flats Car Park (coming soon)   Standard (Slow) 4
Midlothian Indoor Bowling Club carpark EH22 1JD 50141, 53347 Fast 4
Midlothian Indoor Bowling Club carpark EH22 1JD 50631 Standard (Slow) 2
Woodburn Terrace, joining path to Cowden Cres EH22 2HN 51867 Fast 2
Midlothian House, Buccleuch Street EH22 1DN (currently not accessible) 51662 Fast 2
Buccleuch St, Dalkeith, EH22 1DN 62749, 62739 Standard (Slow) 2
Normandy Drive, EH22 1GH 62224, 62234, 62244, 62225 Fast 12
Danderhall Primary School carpark EH22 1QL 54189 Fast 2
Newbattle Community Campus EH22 4LJ 53075, 51134 Fast 4
Vogrie Country park main carpark EH23 4NU 53074 Fast 2
Paradykes Primary School, George Ave EH20 9LA 50142 Standard (Slow) 2
Canmore Ct, Loanhead, EH20 9FN (coming soon)   Fast 4
Mayfield Centre carpark, Bogwood Ct EH22 5DG 62750 Fast 2
Arrol Avenue, Morris Rd, Newtongrange, EH22 4FT (coming soon)   Fast 6
High St, Penicuik EH26 8HW 62710, 62720 Fast 4
Penicuik Leisure Centre EH26 9EP 53076, 62221 Fast 4
Pavilion Court, Kirkhill, Penicuik (coming soon)   Fast 4
Rosslyn Chapel carpark, Chapel Loan EH25 9PU 53073 Fast 2
Sheriffhall Park and Ride EH22 1FD 53344, 53345 Rapid 2 (CCS, CHAdeMO)
Sheriffhall Park and Ride EH22 1FD 51133, 51502 Rapid 3 (CCS, CHAdeMO, Type 2)
Sheriffhall Park and Ride EH22 1FD 50651, 50653 Fast 4

Live maps

This map details:

  • Type of charger
  • If currently in use
  • If operational
  • Tariff applied to them
  • Nearby amenities

Other live maps:

Sign up

To use an EV charger sign up on the ChargePlace Scotland website

You will be asked to create an account.

Purchase an access card which will link to your account and allow you to start charging sessions.

Or, start a session using the ChargePlace Scotland mobile app for Apple IOS | Android or via webpay

You will be charged every time you use any of our chargers based on our tariff.

Tariff and overstay policy from 1 April 2024

Charger type Tariff (charge per kWh) Minimum charge per session Maximum charging period Overstay penalty
Standard (Slow)
Up to 7kW
£0.42 £1* 12 hours Overstay fee suspended until further notice
Up to 22kW
£0.42 £1* 4 hours Overstay fee suspended until further notice
Up to 50kW
£0.60 £1* 1 hour £1 per minute after 60 minutes of charge, applies 24 hours. Fee capped at £30.

* A minimum charge of £1 per session, which would be waived if the session is interrupted.

Report a fault

For urgent assistance, please contact ChargePlace Scotland’s 24 hour customer care helpline:

  • 0141 648 0750

Report faults on ChargePlace Scotland’s website or use the ChargePlace Scotland mobile app for Apple IOS | Android.