The Kickstart Scheme

Fraser's journey to employment

Kickstart success

Fraser Yuill is just one of our Kickstart trainee success stories.

No joy finding a job

Fraser completed a BEng in computing at Edinburgh Napier University in May. After having no luck finding work Fraser was referred to the Kickstart programme in October and worked in our education team as an Information Analyst.

Analysing data

He was compiling area profiles including everything from local population to crime statistics to help shape council services. Fraser said he would ‘absolutely’ recommend applying for a Kickstart place. After becoming a 'Kickstarter' Fraser had four interviews and accepted a full time job at the University of Edinburgh an ICT Technician.

Four job interviews

He said: “The big thing when you’re looking for a job is people telling me I didn’t have any experience but I’ve now had four job interviews. It’s so much easier being able to talk about being in a professional working environment.”