Beeslack replacement school information

Next steps and more information


The new school is expected to be built and open by August 2026.


The statutory catchment consultation for the new school is due to start in autumn 2022 with the aim of a report going before councillors in December 2022. We’ll be sharing information about key stages of the school’s progress, including the catchment consultation and how to get involved, on a regular basis.  

Transport arrangements

Once the outcome of the statutory catchment consultation is known, the transport team can decide school transport requirements.  A transport consultant will be appointed to work with the design team and the council around safe routes to school etc. This work will also tie in with discussions around proposed catchments. 


Pupils, staff, parents and the wider community will help shape the design of the school as part of both statutory and non-statutory consultations. A consultation programme is currently being drawn up.  It is anticipated this process will begin in August. Again, we’ll share more information as soon as we can about this. 


The aim is to lodge a planning application by the end of this year or early 2023.  

Need for new school

The school, off Seafield Moor Road, is needed to address a projected increase in pupil numbers thanks to expanding communities in areas such as, Loanhead, Bilston and Roslin. The campus will include sports and community facilities as well as state of the art learning spaces.  

Penicuik High

As part of our Learning Estate Strategy, once the new Beeslack High School is open, the plan is for Penicuik High pupils and staff to ‘decant’ to the old Beeslack HS while Penicuik High is refurbished.   

Again, pupils, staff, parents and the wider community will help shape the design of the school as part of both statutory and non-statutory consultations. We’ll let local people know more information when we have it. 
The Penicuik High improvements will also allow us to review the catchment areas for secondary education in Midlothian, provide enough capacity for population growth and maintain a balance of pupil numbers across all schools.