Virtual visit to Vogrie Outdoor ELC by educators from across the world
Midlothian Council’s first Outdoor Early Learning Centre at Vogrie ‘welcomed’ virtual education delegates from across the world, including government ministers and decision makers, who came to learn more about its approach to sustainability and children’s experiences connecting with nature.
Part of a virtual tour of Scotland
Manager Janet Donaldson presented at the virtual Atlantic Rim Collaboratory (ARC) Thought Meet Session recently, a virtual tour of Scotland for educators exploring good practice and lessons learned from the COP26 climate change conference in Glasgow.
Extremely proud
Janet said: “We’re extremely proud of Vogrie, so it was a real honour to be invited to speak to such a prestigious group of international peers about our work and the high quality outdoor education experience children enjoy with us.
“As our children learn through connecting with their environment and each other, they also find out more about the world around them and how we all need to play a part to ensure its future.
Vogrie reuses, remakes and recycles
“At Vogrie, therefore, we strive to reuse, remake and recycle. We’re aware of our energy consumption, we encourage composting and we’re committed to reducing inequalities while making sure the children who come are developing strong life skills.
Achieved a lot in short space of time
“The centre has only been opened for just over two years and we feel we’ve achieved so much in such a short space of time, especially while coping with the demands of the pandemic. It’s wonderful, therefore, to be recognised for and share our good practice to potentially benefit children in Scotland and beyond.”
A global movement
ARC is a global educational movement promoting improvement, innovation and inclusion in schools and larger societies.
Education Scotland praise
Ollie Bray, Strategic Director, Education Scotland said: “Education Scotland is grateful to Vogrie Outdoor ELC for their inspiring input to the Atlantic Rim Collaboratory Thought Meet session. There is growing international interest in Scotland’s approach to Learning for Sustainability and we were delighted to take delegates on a virtual visit to see some of the best practice that Scotland has to offer. This was a proud moment for all involved in education in Scotland and a wonderful opportunity to share our practice and to learn from others.”
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