Educational Psychology

How we can help

  • We support children and young people's development, learning and behaviour at school. 
  • We work with others to identify and understand children's needs, particularly where more support may be needed. 
  • This helps you as parents/carers, the school and the council to make informed choices about meeting your child's needs.
  • We work with schools, parents/carers, and professionals such as social workers and speech and language therapists.

How we get involved

  • We can only get involved with your permission.
  • Any personal data is subject to the Data Protection Act 2018.   How we collect and use personal data is detailed in our privacy notice (PDF). 
  • Your child's school already has a system for monitoring and reviewing the progress of all children and young people.
  • Each school has a named (or 'Link') Educational Psychologist who visits the school regularly. During these visits, school staff may discuss any general concerns or issues they have.
  • If teachers feel they have tried everything to support your child, they may seek help from the Educational Psychologist.

How to access the service

Requests usually come through schools, nurseries or other educational bodies. Please contact your school and they will get in touch with us on your behalf.

If you still have concerns after this, contact us directly via our school allocation list.

Download our leaflets for more information:

What happens next

The school will arrange to meet you, the Educational Psychologist, school staff and other appropriate parties. 

This meeting is to:

  • find out how things have been recently 
  • find out what is working and what is not
  • develop an action plan so we all know what we can do.

Performance reports