Council performance

Public Performance Reporting

Midlothian  "a great place to grow"

Midlothian Council delivers its priorities through the Community Planning Partnership (CPP) and the Single Midlothian Plan. Individuals and communities will be able to lead healthier, safer and greener lives by 2030. No child or household need live in poverty. Midlothian will be a Great Green Place to Grow by achieving our net zero carbon ambitions and supporting local people to strengthen the skills they need for learning, life and work.

Our Single Midlothian Plan outcomes for 2023-27 are:

  • Individuals and communities have improved health and skills for learning, life and work
  • No child or household living in poverty
  • Significant progress is made towards net zero carbon emissions by 2030

Managing our performance and reporting our results is a necessary and important requirement. It informs our customers and stakeholders about our progress in delivering priorities through the Community Planning Partnership and the Single Midlothian Plan 2023-27. This approach, combined with the integration of health and social care, ensures that Community Planning is at the core of all council activities. 

The top three priorities for 2019-22 were : Reducing inequalities in learning outcomes, Reducing inequalities in health outcomes, Reducing inequalities in economic circumstances.

A council Balanced Scorecard is produced to present performance against the key outcomes in the Single Midlothian Plan. The Customer Quadrant details the Council's specific contribution to the thematic areas in the Single Midlothian Plan and also identifies key internal measures of council performance across the remaining quadrants.

By telling you about how well we are doing, what quality of service is being delivered and what you can expect in the future demonstrates our ability to be transparent and accountable and our commitment to seeking continuous improvement.

Annual Performance Reports

Our Annual Performance Reports provide a balanced view of the council's progress. This includes information on successes, challenges and performance in achieving priorities through the Single Midlothian Plan.

Balanced Scorecard Reports:

Other reports and strategies: