Apply for COVID-19 Recover to Grow Fund [offline]


  • select 'Begin this form' (below). You don't need to sign in, as long as you complete each page in less than 10 minutes.
  • or register and sign in with myaccount. If you are signed in, the form will save and you can finish it later. Your contact details will be already filled in.


At the start of the form, you must carefully read:

  • the criteria for eligibility
  • the list of supporting information we need to see.

You must then confirm that your business meets all criteria, and that you can supply the information.

About the fund

This fund is open until Monday 26 July at 5pm.

It supports businesses that have continued financial pressures that limit their ability to:

  • adopt new ways of working
  • or progress projects from 2020 (towards net zero or growth via digital) to help with recovery.

Your community group can also apply if their events and sporting activities have been cancelled, or had major restrictions on audience and participation.

Projects that will contribute to our Net Zero ambitions are particularly welcome.

It's on a first come first served basis. Therefore it's essential that you take your time completing it, and supply the required evidence. An incomplete application will go to the back of the queue.

This fund is from Scottish Government Discretionary funds with a Midlothian Council contribution.