Report environmental crime

Use this form to report:

We will try and identify who is responsible, and will take action against them where possible.


You may make this report anonymously, but it's helpful for us to contact you for more information about the incident.

We are bound by law to treat your personal information with strict confidentiality.

Street cleansing

Please use the street cleansing service request to report:

  • a street needing swept
  • litter bin needing emptied
  • a dead animal needing removed
  • hazardous waste needing uplifted
  • a new litter bin request.


  • select 'Begin this form' (below). You don't need to sign in, as long as you complete each page in less than 10 minutes.
  • or register and sign in with myaccount. If you are signed in, the form will save and you can finish it later. Your contact details will be already filled in.